The Challenge
Since time immemorial, people living with albinism have been stigmatised, discriminated and killed for body parts that are then used in traditional rituals. Driven by a dire need to urgently address these issues, Zimplats approached us to help them to change behaviour on how society should view people with albinism.
Zimplats is the leading mining company in Zimbabwe, listed on Australia Stock Exchange and owned by Implats Group of South Africa. It specializes in platinum group metals and has a deep belief in creating shared value for all its stakeholders. The company’s ability to create shared value is based on a strong commitment to ensuring integration of sustainability in all aspects of the business. Through their operations, they are contributing to the achievement of the sustainable development goals by protecting the environment, promoting economic prosperity and investing in social development.
We proposed the big idea, “Beyond the skin” and the client was ecstatic.
What inspired this idea?
Based on a common prayer that goes “God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”. The basic interpretation being, that there are those things that as humans we cannot control or change like our height, hair type, ethnic group or family and the color of our skin.
So often we label others and let ourselves be labelled based on these and yet this is not a way to live.
The big idea was a call to action for people to see beyond the surface and skin and focus on the inside, as that is who we really are. The behavioural change campaign sought to demystify the myths and misconceptions around albinism and educate people on albinism.
The Challenge
Since time immemorial, people living with albinism have been stigmatised, discriminated and killed for body parts that are then used in traditional rituals. Driven by a dire need to urgently address these issues, Zimplats approached us to help them to change behaviour on how society should view people with albinism.
Zimplats is the leading mining company in Zimbabwe, listed on Australia Stock Exchange and owned by Implats Group of South Africa. It specializes in platinum group metals and has a deep belief in creating shared value for all its stakeholders. The company’s ability to create shared value is based on a strong commitment to ensuring integration of sustainability in all aspects of the business. Through their operations, they are contributing to the achievement of the sustainable development goals by protecting the environment, promoting economic prosperity and investing in social development.
We proposed the big idea, “Beyond the skin” and the client was ecstatic.
What inspired this idea?
Based on a common prayer that goes “God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”. The basic interpretation being, that there are those things that as humans we cannot control or change like our height, hair type, ethnic group or family and the color of our skin.
So often we label others and let ourselves be labelled based on these and yet this is not a way to live.
The big idea was a call to action for people to see beyond the surface and skin and focus on the inside, as that is who we really are. The behavioural change campaign sought to demystify the myths and misconceptions around albinism and educate people on albinism.

The campaign comprised of a television and radio commercial, print ads, billboards, community outreach programmes, social media and influencers. With the evidence of actual behavioural change, it is safe to say that the Beyond the skin campaign successfully integrated people with albinism into the community and stopped discrimination by showing that we are all equal in society. The campaign managed to educate society on albinism, the causes, preventative measures to take from contracting skin cancer, skincare advice, as well as demystify the myths around the condition.
The campaign comprised of a television and radio commercial, print ads, billboards, community outreach programmes, social media and influencers. With the evidence of actual behavioural change, it is safe to say that the Beyond the skin campaign successfully integrated people with albinism into the community and stopped discrimination by showing that we are all equal in society. The campaign managed to educate society on albinism, the causes, preventative measures to take from contracting skin cancer, skincare advice, as well as demystify the myths around the condition.