Imagine how the Wright brothers must have felt when they powered their first flight, or when Karl Benz created the first true automobile. They must have felt ecstatic! Not only because they were the first to invent, but because of the speed these inventions brought, and how easier human life was to become.
Many years later, it can be argued that speed is still at the heart of man. Think of all the Ferraris and Lambos that have come after, with better versions still being designed. Now imagine speed coupled with endless possibilities- just that thought is strong enough to put you at the edge of your seat. And now, we are talking about Econet 5G!
Econet became the first telecommunications provider to launch 5G in Zimbabwe. 5G will fundamentally transform the future of businesses and customers, opening a new realm of opportunities. And when our client approached us on the requirements of this campaign, our hearts throbbed even faster with excitement! We live and thrive on brand image!
Whilst working on the campaign, we sought to create something that was relatable, attention grabbing, and memorable. We wanted Zimbabwe to see the beauty of 5G and what amazing opportunities are embedded in it. Using the hashtag #PuttingYouFirst, we wanted Zimbabwe to see how Econet Wireless values its customers and desires for them to first experience world class technologies, and reach better results, with less effort.
On the 24th of February 2022, we celebrated the launch of a successful campaign that will usher our client’s customers into a whole new era of possibilities. We use the power of creativity to help brands play a meaningful role in people’s lives.