
Dicomm McCann Wins Dial-a-Delivery Account- We are just what they ordered.

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Food is not just fuel, it’s information. It talks to your DNA and tells your entire body what to do. When it comes to delivering that information straight to your doorstep, there’s nothing quite like Dial-a-Delivery (DAD). Dicomm McCann is proud to announce the onboarding of Dial-a-Delivery as its newest client.

Food is a form of artistic expression, and as one of Zimbabwe’s leading creative agency, we are thrilled to collaborate with the top food delivery service in Zimbabwe and Africa, we look forward to developing a relationship with Simbisa Brands while working on the Dial-a-Delivery account .- Charles Mutemera, Managing Director.

In a highly contested pitch with other top Agencies in Zimbabwe, Dicomm came up top for a thematic creative campaign to meet their business objectives and created assets that not only gave Dial-a-Delivery a big competitive edge but showed the true value of its business… convenience.
The ‘This Calls for Dial-a-Delivery ‘campaign was born. It includes a series of amusing and heart-warming creatives showing how Dial-a-Delivery saves the day, speaking into the problem solution approach which has been central in story-telling. The ads aim to reach a large number of individuals and urge them to experience the convenience of the DAD app whenever they feel famished. We are confident that the campaign will be a success and will assist Dial-a-Delivery in expanding its business in Zimbabwe, Kenya and across Africa.

Here’s to ordering food online, Bon Appetit!